Monday, August 3, 2009

A little Over my head?

So, I was FORCED to write an entry by the amazing ShayLee of the "Going for 'Good Dog!" Blog, Check her out! :)

I really have nothing to write about.. Hrm.. Let me think, whats been going on lately? Lets step back to July 20th.

July 20th, 2009, Reesa (DogTrainingGirl101 on Youtube) came over! Awesome time. We went to go pick up Katie, but Katie was in her "crazy dog" stage. Where it takes her about an hour to cool down. After that, Katie was ready to do agility! :) I ran Rosco, and Reesa ran Katie. We then went to go see Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever puppies! So cute! Reesa had a great time throwing apples for Chime! Reesa and I, then stayed up till 3 am.

July something or other 2009, We went out to the creek with Envy! :) I love this dog, SO much. Gosh, he listens like theres no tomorrow. He hung out with the other dogs while we swam. Made some great friends :) OH gosh, He's such a goober, When he first gets into the water he has this expression like "ewww" and then he's fine.
what Else, what else? When Reesa left she lent me her book "Control Unleashed" and I started reading it. Wow! great book, I've been making great progress with Katie. Katie also went to the reactive dogs class at Kim's Camp... when she didn't feel like reacting, go figure? So I've come to the conclusion that Katie doesn't like the slight changes in her environment. The little things set her off, a bark, a new person being added, etc. So I'm working on that plus her reactivity to certain dogs, Its only certain dogs, go figure x2? So I took her to the one she reacts the most too and work her slowly by. If she freaked out, we'd step back until she was calm. I can proudly say that we made it past the dog :). Good girl Katie. Trial this weekend!!

Much Love
~Alyssa, Katie & Envy

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