Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sometimes Goodbye is a Second Chance.

Well, I haven't posted on Blogger for sometime now...

Next month is Dally's 11th Birthday... I can't get her out of my mind! Every little thing I do reminds me of her... When I go to the cupboard and bang its door, there's no basset hound waiting for a treat... When People come to the door, theres no bark... and when I go to bed, I call one name, not two...

The last few months of Dally's life we became closer than ever. She inspired me. This year she was suppose to trial in Jumpers.. I remember looking at Katies course and thinking, would Dally have Q'd? Gosh Cancer is so horrible...

What else is going on in my life? Envy had puppy camp July 15th, 16th and 17th. He's a good boy. The instructor ask us to show our hand targets and we did them along time ago, so I didn't think he'd remember.. but he did :). He also did an awesome job shaping. He was so tired after the camp, good boy Enner Bean!

and katie? Katie needs alot of work.. But its all my fault. Why does she act out durring trials? Because I've trained her wrong, not enought renforcement to make Agility more fun then sniffing. Katie has a Top Dog trial coming up, She had a fun trial there so lets hope for the best.

I was just about to go get the lyrics for Shinedowns Second Chance and one of the Songwrighters names are Bassett.. funny how that works out, hey?

"To make them realise
this is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying...
Sometimes goodbye
is a second Chance

Heres my chance
This is my Chance."

1 comment:

  1. I thought you'd abandoned this blog lol! I remember when I first heard the news about Dally I was so shocked...she was such a good girl. I miss hearing her happy barks and her little legs as she galloped over jumps, and of course her sweet face with those heart-melting basset eyes :) She's my favourite basset ever.

    I bet Katie will do better at this trial because the fun match was held there...and well, if she doesn't, then that means more fun matches :) I think she will do better though!

