Friday, May 22, 2009

Everyday you seem to amaze me <3

So tomorrows the weekend! School will be out in a couple of weeks and I'm excited!

Katie's improved DRAMASTICALLY! No one really knows or understands how different she is. When I got Katie everyone was not impressed with her. She ran away constantly, she pulled on the leash and couldn't come over because she'd attack the cat.... Well, a year later, Katie is coming back 70% of the time, is better on the leash ( My hand isn't bleeding by the time I get home -_-), and is best friends with the cat.

I've changed my perspective on how to get her to come. I've retrained it and when she comes back to me it's a party and a half. When she runs away, I take her back and we do it some more then leave. And this has worked like magic!

Probably 4 months ago Katie received a gentle leader. Before it I had tried everything... Choke collar, pinch collars.. they did kind of work, But I didn't like it. So She has a gentle leader... the fact that it looks like a muzzle and when she lunges at people to go see them makes me laugh. Now, we still aren't 100%. She knows how to take it off, so I need a new one, and at this one house that this dog attacked her before, she goes crazy... Katie likes revenge...

AND THE CAT! WOW! Seriously, if you seen her now with the cat you wouldn't think anything of it. When I got Katie I was very aware that the reason why she was put into the SPCA was because she hated cats and it wasn't until Katie started to come over that I realized this. She would lunge at the cat every time she seen her. Tecarra started hanging out upstairs after that. So what did I do? I introduced them slowly. One day it was rubbing a towel on Katie that smelled like Tecarra, the next interaction through a door or crate, then it was treating her every time the cat was in the room, even if she didn't know. Then it all started to just piece together. In the beginning I wouldn't have dared to leave Katie alone with the cat.. But now I have no reason to doubt.

Though all the tears from these events and Katie... She's made me a better trainer because of them and I am thankful for every minuet of them now <3

~Alyssa & Katie.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Growing up to FAST!!

It seems like so long ago I was in the midst of BEGING my parents for a puppy. My obsession with Shelties... Wow.. My friends still think I ended up with a sheltie! I love the breed but in the end I was turned to a certain dog.. A dog that was ment to be mine.

Envy came into my life to teach me new things and about myself. He's a crazy puppy, but in the end I couldn't be more thankful for him. The dogs picking up words like crazy. My mom tells him "Go find your mom!" and my little puppy comes straight to me. Envy's my miricle.. I wouldn't be the same without him. He's helped me with the craziness with Dally in which made our bond stronger. He was always there when I was crying and always made me feel better. Im so excited for our future... he's showing many promises. Even if we never compete, Im glad for this dog. :)

AND WOW! He's grown up SO fast! He's ALL legs now. Crazy dog ;)

~Alyssa and Envy



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Change in Life.

So, I decided that I haven't been bloging much. I actually really like to blog, its lots of fun. :)

So whats new in my life? Nothing very excited. My dogs are amazing though. Agility started again and I have such a busy week!:
Monday: Agility at LN's
Tuesday: Agility at the feild.
Wednesday: Work
Thursday: Tracking
Friday: Sleep over! I get to see Savannahs new puppy!
Saturday: Work
Sunday: Sleep over! Happy belated Birthday Brandy

Which brings me to the topic of Friday. Savannah my friend just got a new puppy Monday! His name is Gus and he's a Labradoodle. Savannah might go to agiltiy camp with me too! Im so excited to have a friend in agility. I hope she likes it. So tonight, Tuesday, I have agility and Savannah's coming. She'll run the monster of all monsters.

Envy's training is coming nice, for sometime now he's been doing front crosses and jumps on the ground. He loves it :) He's such a fun dog and has changed my life. I love my dogs!

~Alyssa, Katie and Envy

Friday, May 1, 2009

Rest In Peace Dally

On April 29 2009, Dally had finally hit the deep end. She had been suffering from a painful bladder infection weeks before, but by this time it was spiraling out of control.
On the morning of April 29th Dally was frantic. She had to go to the Bathroom really bad, but nothing happened. When she'd come in the house she immediately wanted to go back outside. She was scared. I then went to school and mom took her to the vet. Dally had a tumor and cancer on her bladder. It was about 4 times the size of her bladder and if she didn't go into the vet that day, her bladder would have burst. The vet tried to save her by taking all the cancer out, but was unsuccessful. My mom said good-bye to her.

When I can home from school with Savannah, I went down the hall and found my mom and dad sitting on the couch. They looked completely sad. I asked my mom where Dally was because I noticed the house was really quiet and no Basset Hound greeted me at the door. My mom just shook her head.. she couldn't say anything.. I didn't know what to say. That's when I knew.....

Dally was a great dog. She lived 10 happy years. I remember when I was little and we went to pick her up. I wanted to call her princess and I'm glad we never did. My mom named her Dally. I remember that there was three Basset hound puppies, I wanted a tri one and my mom wanted the black and white one... In the end we choice the odd one out.. and never looked back. I remember when we finally went to pick her up in that parking lot behind the mall. I gave her my pink blanket and she rode on my lap home.

Dally was a perfect puppy, well in my childish mind I thought so. I used to pick her up and carry her around. I'd play childish games with her. She was my detective dog or police dog in many of them and for some strange reason I made her eat her dog food in a bowl of water. "Breakfast Time!" I'd tell her.

Dally was a very active Basset Hound, she was one in a million. She loved the out doors, she loved walks, and camping. I remember she'd sit in the camper and wait till we left and wouldn't leave her spot. She never wanted to be left behind on camping trips.
On walks, she always trotted around. I always found my arms spread apart as far as they could go. Katie on the front end, PULLING as hard as she could, and Dally trudging along in the back, her collar jiggling, smelling the ground, I regret not being able to start tracking with her.

I never really had problems with Dally, The only problem was her nose.

Dally loved Carrots and potatoes.. I remember that Dally used to run to the garden when the snow was gone and the ground was still hard and eat the left over carrots... that couldn't have tasted good. She'd do anything for that orange treat.

Dally started Agility in May of 2008. I didn't know it then, but Dally started to teach me a lot about handling and how to do it properly instead of just flailing my arms around. I knew I wanted to compete with Dally some day. She showed everyone that any dog can do agility and love it. She showed everyone not only Border Collies can do agility, that even if your slow and accurate you can win the race. That's how Dally got her name CanDream's Slow N' Steady....

I really miss my Basset hound... My Dally Lomma, my Sat sat. She taught me a lot about life, to live it to the fullest. I hope she taught other things too. She was a teacher and a great dog. She did anything for anyone, but with the stubborn Bassetness. I will never forget my Dally, or what she did for me. She was a one of a kind dog that could never be replaced. I don't know if I could ever own a Basset Hound again because of the impact of Dally.

So here's to Dally! I miss you Dal! You were so amazing...
Rest In Peace Baby Girl!

Picture from the earlier times when I used to dress Dally up: