Saturday, February 14, 2009

Welcome to PureEnvy's Blog!

So alittle about myself? I'm a junior Handler of a Sheltie/terrier mix who I rescued from our local shelter. We compete in Agility and are in current training for Rally-O. I also have a 10 year old Basset hound who occasionally does agility.... or just for the food? And of course I'm getting a puppy soon, who I've taken to call "Envy". Why would my blog be called PureEnvy? The meaning of Katies name is "pure" and My puppy's name is Envy. :D

Katie's Twist of Fate. "Katie"
Katie currently lives with my Grandma. I've been training Katie in agility since 2007. Although I don't see Katie very often we still have gotten very far in our agility carrier. With Katie being my first agility dog, we have had some complication which we are currently working on. Katie never fails to make me laugh, she's a good hearted dog who is amazing to work with. She has truly changed my life and I'm entirly greatful for her. She has a bright future. :)

CanDream's Slow N' Steady "Dally"
Dally has lived with me for all of 10 years. She's a good hearted soul. Who, like every Basset Hound, is obsessed with food! Dally is my first puppy ever. She's grown up loving life, esspecially the out doors. This is one of the reasons Dally loves Agility. She started agility when she was 9, Dally does it just for fun, every once and awhile. :)

HillCrest Gettin' Jealous? "Envy"
This fella will be joining me at the end of March. I'm so excited to see how his future comes out. He comes from the amazing HillCrest Kennels and is currently 5 weeks old. I'm so excited to meet him!